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Centerburg Youth Shooting Sports & Northridge High School Sophomore, Kinsey Duzan selected to ATA’s 2024 All-American Trapshooting Team
SUNBURY, OHIO, September 18, 2023 - Kinsey Duzan, a sophomore at Northridge High School in Johnstown, OH and Centerburg Youth Shooting Sports team member has been selected as a member of the 2024 Amateur Trapshooting Association’s (ATA) All-American Trapshooting Team. The Sub-Junior (SJ) All-American Team consists of the top 25 SJ athletes from across the nation. Kinsey is the 20th overall, and the 2nd ranked SJ lady.
Selection to the ATA All-American Team is based upon a formal point system and a set of strict qualification criteria that must be achieved during the 2023 target year. To be eligible for the All-American Team, a SJ athlete must meet a minimum target requirement of 2,000 singles, 1,000 handicaps, and 500 doubles by competing at qualifying events (Grand American, Satellite Grand American, Zone, or State Championships) in at least three states and/or provinces and earn All-American points by placing as champion, runner-up, or second runner-up.
Kinsey’s trapshooting year started at the Southern Grand at the Silver Dollar Shooters Club in Odessa, FL where recent modifications to her gun and changes to her stance and pre-shot routine proved to be a hinderance to her performance, but with hard work, focus, and determination, she found significant success throughout the rest of the season. She placed in many events, but her most notable wins were: The Ohio State Trapshooting Championship where she won the SJ Handicap and Doubles Championships and High All Around (HAA); the Central Zone Shoot where she won the C-Class Doubles and SJ Handicap Championships and placed in the HAA and High Over All (HOA); the Cardinal Classic where she won the SJ Doubles and Handicap Championships, SJ HAA, and Class-B HOA. Beyond these ATA successes, she earned two National Titles as JV Ladies National Champion in Singles and Doubles at the Scholastic Clay Target Program National Championship (SCTP), won and placed in multiple SCTP and ATA AIM events, was named as a member of the Ohio State Trapshooting Association’s All-Ohio Team, and to the nationally recognized SCTP All-Scholastic Team.
What makes these accomplishments even more impressive is that Kinsey continues to balance being a high school honor student, a part-time college student in the College Credit Plus Program, a member of IORG Masonic organization, a volunteer ZooAide at the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium, a member of the Hartford Fair Junior Fair Board, maintains her own herd of Boer goats, is an active 4H member where she won at county and state levels with her Shotgun Shooting Sports Project, won or placed with all of her 4H market/breeding goats at this year’s Hartford Fair, is a member of Centerburg Youth Shooting Sports trap and sporting clays teams, is a member of Olentangy Liberty’s Spring and Fall trap/skeet team, and is a member of USA Shooting where she competed in Olympic and Junior Olympic trials for Olympic trap.
Next to being inducted into the Trapshooting Hall of Fame, being selected to the ATA All-American Team is the highest recognition a trapshooter can achieve. According to, over 4.72 million people participated in clay shooting sports in 2022. In only her third year of competitive trapshooting, it is an amazing accomplishment to be selected as an ATA All-American. Duzan said, “It’s an honor to be recognized as one of the top trapshooters in the United States and Canada, and I’m honored to share the title of All-American with the trapshooting legends that I admire and respect”. For more information about Kinsey and her endeavors, visit or @kinseyduzan on Instagram.